Which one is your favorite?
Here is the chair in my bedroom:
Nothing like a good deal to make your day!
Instead, I came across these shelves for $6.99 each at the Christmas Tree Shop. If you have not been there yet, you should check it out. They have great home decor for very affordable prices. I like the shelves so much I think I'm going to go back to purchase them in a wood stain to hang in my living room.
My funnel cake
Loved this mule
The painted pony
I also couldn't resist sharing this photo of my mom as runner up in the Miss Alexandria Fair pageant:
Only 8 more days to go!
(Mom & Dad pictured on the right. Notice the three piece suit. Love that he is sporting the vest!)
An IKEA canvas print
Mirror from Wal-Mart, Suit Case and Clock featuring Kensington Station of London from Hobby Lobby, Table from Target, Picture from my trip to Paris, France.
Urban Outfitters BDG Canvas Riding Boot - $98.00
Mossimo Supply Company (Target) - $29.99
Nine West Gesture (Zappos.com) - $98.95
These are similar to ones featured in my Shoe Envy post.
SM Luxe Duke Peep Toe Western Bootie (DSW) - $39.94
Being from Kentucky and growning up with horses makes me partial to these boots.
One day I will create a look like this in my home.
This makes me think of UK's campus.