I truly adore the pendant banners that have been dominating the blog sphere and etsy scene for awhile. You may remember the one I created for my sister's country chic wedding shower using burlap.
I see them everywhere from showers to room decor to weddings. Here are some precious examples.
I decided I would create one for my living room. As always, I love creating new things for my home out of supplies I already have lying around the house. I already had the wood pendant (to use as a pattern), paint supplies, and the burlap. For this project, the only item I had to purchase was the ribbon. I figured $1 for this project was not a bad investment.
2. CUT - With durable scissors, I cut enough pendents out of burlap to spell "ENJOY LIFE."
3. PAINT - I used stencils to paint the letters. To do this, I laid the pendants on plastic bags to prevent the paint from going through the burlap onto my counter top. I taped the stencil to the burlap to ensure correct placement of the letter.
4. DRY - Being the impatient girl that I am, I used a hair dryer to speed up the drying process.
Here is what my art space (aka kitchen counter) looked like during the process.
After all letters were dry, I used craft glue to adhere the pendants to ribbon. I hung the banner from my ceiling using tacks. I plan on eventually painting this wall to give it some pop, but haven't finalized a color yet. I also would like to install a mantle here instead of the console table so I have a true center piece to decorate. (If anyone has one they are giving away or knows where I can get one cheap, please let me know! I would be extremely graterful.)
This banner is a daily reminder to live life to the fullest and not waste time stressing about silly things that will not matter a year from now.
Enjoy life, my friends!
This "Preppy Pendant Banner" tutorial, along with other project ideas, is featured on the following sites:
The Shabby Nest

Tuesday's Treasures

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